أنشئت عيادة كيرينيا لطب الأسنان سنة 2008 و هي توفر لكل حرفائها أفضل رعاية أسنان في قبرص. يملك الدكتور سيفجيلي أكثر من عشر سنوات خبرة في طب الأسنان التجميلي والترميمي و لقد وضع الدكتور سيفجيلي نهجا فريدا لرعاية المرضى.
تقوم فلسفة عيادة كيرينيا للأسنان على جودة العلاج و استعمال أحدث التكنولوجيا والتقنيات الطبية. لهذا السبب ، يلتزم الدكتور سيفجيلي بتقديم أحدث تطورات طب الأسنان لتحقيق أفضل النتائج للحرفاء.
تشمل تخصصات الدكتور سيفجيلي استخدام أحدث تقنيات زراعة الأسنان وطب الأسنان التجميلي. تقدم عيادة كيرينيا لطب الأسنان في قبرص مختلف علاجات الأسنان من ذلك نذكر الفينيرز و جراحة الفم و مختلف العلاجات المتعلقة بها.
عيادة كيرينيا للأسنان هي مركز حديث و نظيف يشبه المنتجع الصحي و هي مجهزة لتوفير تجربة علاجية مريحة و مثالية....
إن مرافق الأسنان ذات الجودة العالية و التكنولوجية الحديثة المتوفرة في عيادة كيرينيا للأسنان هما السببان وراء توافد السياح إلى قبرص كل عام.
لا يمكن وصف جزيرة قبرص الواقعة جنوب تركيا إلا بكلمة واحدة: الجنة. إلى جانب كونها الوجهة الأولى للسائحين في مجال طب الأسنان، فإن قبرص وجهة مشهورة لقضاء العطلات للزوار من جميع أنحاء العالم.
قم بزيارة عيادة كيرينيا للأسنان في قبرص لإجراء فحص الأسنان أو تغيير ابتسامتك في واحدة من أكثر الوجهات الأوروبية حصرية في البحر الأبيض المتوسط.
أهم العلاجات
- تكلفة مجانية زراعة الأسنان
- تكلفة مجانية تاج الاسنان
- تكلفة مجانية القشور الخزفية الفنييرز
إستشارة متوفرة ب:
الإنجليزية، التركية
خدمات إضافية
خدمات الترجمة، حجز الفنادق
آراء المرضى

Hello, I can not thank Dr Mustafa Sevgili and his team enough for the excellent service and treatment and the time and care he has taken with my root canal treatment. I am a retired doctor in UK over visiting friends and he fitted me in for an appointment at short notice to suit my situation. I can state with some certainty and insight from my past experience in medicine that his service is 1st rate.

I visited this dental practice in June 2022 whilst I was travelling in North Cyprus. Initially was going to get my route canal treatment done back in London but due it becoming infected whilst I was away I couldn’t wait till I got back so I done some research and found Dr Mustafa and his two assistance who were really friendly and professional throughout my whole treatment. I had my route canal done and repairs to some of my upper teeth over a 1 week period. I was so happy with the my experience and felt confident throughout. I highly recommend this practice if your looking for high quality service and value.
إتصل بالعيادة
اختر علاجا و احصل على التكلفة
هل سبق و خضعت للعلاج بعيادتنا؟ اترك تعليقا وأوصف تجربتك

Hello, I can not thank Dr Mustafa Sevgili and his team enough for the excellent service and treatment and the time and care he has taken with my root canal treatment. I am a retired doctor in UK over visiting friends and he fitted me in for an appointment at short notice to suit my situation. I can state with some certainty and insight from my past experience in medicine that his service is 1st rate.

I visited this dental practice in June 2022 whilst I was travelling in North Cyprus. Initially was going to get my route canal treatment done back in London but due it becoming infected whilst I was away I couldn’t wait till I got back so I done some research and found Dr Mustafa and his two assistance who were really friendly and professional throughout my whole treatment. I had my route canal done and repairs to some of my upper teeth over a 1 week period. I was so happy with the my experience and felt confident throughout. I highly recommend this practice if your looking for high quality service and value.

My original visit was for the installation of implants and an associated lower over-denture. Following initial examination the doctor recommended using their 3 teeth I had remaining on the lower jaw as anchors for a new denture. The process also included treating my lower jawbone with stem cells to build up the bone pending possible jaw implants if required at some future date. The whole process was carried out over a 3 week period and the work was quite frankly a micro engineering feat of exceptional surgical and cosmetic dentistry. A real pleasure to be treated by Doctor Mustafa and his two very efficient and kind assistants. I can only provide the highest recommendation. My UK dentist was so very impressed.

Great, Dentists are not nice places but I quickly felt at ease and just let the team get on an remove my tooth. I have had no issues with that procedure since.

Very happy with it, will be using in future, very helpfull people, taking care of their clients. I will be always using this dental clinic and thank you guys, amazing job!

Joseph Thompson
Good Day Dr Mustafa-just wanted to thank you for the Excellent dental work you provided me during our stay in TRNC this year. All nine of the new crowns are fitted perfectly with no irritation experienced. I must point out that my teeth have never looked better nor felt better than they have since you completed all the procedures. Also, I no longer experience the issue of food becoming stuck in the area of the last crown. Both my wife and I are so thankful that we “discovered you” as our Dentist. She too wanted to thank you for the procedures you performed for her and commended you for your expertise and attentive patient care. We look forward to working with you in the years to come for All our Dental services. We have safely returned to Canada and shall enjoy our summer here and look forward to returning to Bellapais, TRNC this coming November. Thank you and best regards. Paul and Lou Thompson.=)

This was my first visit to a N.Cyprus dentist, I called the dentist who got me an appointment very quickly when my cap/filling fell out. My treatment lasted 35 minutes. The work done was very through, even the assistant put lotion on my lips as they were dry. The treatment was very intense but not painful. The numbing injection was very gentle and I never felt any pain through out the procedure. The only thing I would have changed was to ask for a little break so I could close my jaw for a few moments, I have a clicky jaw. I will request this next time. I only had a little ache in my mouth afterwards but I'm very happy with the filling lasting longer than my English filling. WELL DONE

It was amazing just to treat a very bad situation of roots problem in just two hours in high technical way

Top notch equipment and a friendly professional service. Dentistry far better than in the UK.

I found the Dentist very professional and friendly. He explains everything he is doing during the treatment which puts you at ease. The surgery is immaculate and the staff are also very friendly. I would highly recommend it.

First class treatment with first class service in a first class surgery. With state of the art equipment. Better than any dentist I've been to in the UK. I had and On Lay which is more than a filling but not quite a crown. I would definitely recommend this dentist to anyone. I'm also booking more treatment for next year.

I found the service I received, first class. The highest professional standards where given, and I was made to feel very welcome. The procedure it's self was flawless with almost no discomfort. I recommend unreservedly Wayne Daley

Very modern, state of the art equipment, and professional staff. The dentist spoke excellent English and was very thorough. As we were on holiday at the time of our visit, the dentist gave us a disc to take away, with all the details of his examination in case we needed it for our regular dentist.

Absolutely excellent. The outside of the building doesn't reflect the high standards of the practice inside. I'm really particular about my teeth and now I wait for my trip to Cyprus for check ups and work.

I felt compelled to write and express my appreciation in regards to the service I have received from ‘visit and care’. When initial contact was made you were very quick to respond and kept me updated all along the way. As Lola has a huge fear of dentists we had already tried many in Northern Cyprus but did not find a suitable one. Dr. Mustafa Haldun Sevgili was amazing. He took his time explaining everything to Lola and won her over completely. In fact Lola now cannot wait to go on Friday to have teeth extracted! Once again THANK YOU all for helping us find a great dentist. Kind Regards

Arrived on holiday and on day 1 my filling dropped out.googled the clinic and also asked a local what the reputation was of the clinic.booking online and getting a quote and directions to the clinic were excellent.i must admit I was nervous before going in,but no need.the dentist put me at my ease and did a great job.would recommend to others.

الآثار والمعالم السياحية
تعتبر مدينة كرينيا الواقعة في الجزء الشمالي لجزيرة قبرص التابعة لجمهورية شمال قبرص التركية مدينة ساحلية جميلة تطل على بحر كيليكيا و هي تفصل بين شطري جزيرة قبرص. يضفي موقع المدينة سحرا خاصا عليها.. تحتوي كيرينيا على مجموعة جميلة من أماكن التسوق التي تمكنك من اقتناء كل ما قد تحتاجه من التحف القبرصية والهدايا التذكارية و الأزياء الأنيقة. لا تفوتوا فرصة استكشاف قلعة كيرينيا الجميلة ، منذ فترة طويلة من القرن السابع.
المطاعم و المأكولات الشهيرة
يعتبر مطعم "نيازي" من أهم المطاعم في كيرينيا منذ افتتاحه سنة 1974. يقدم المطعم مجموعة متنوعة من المأكولات أهمها طبق الكباب الشهي الذي يجذب الجميع. سوف يأسرك الطعم اللذيذ للكباب المشوي على الفحم.
الفنادق وأماكن الإقامة
يقع فندق الدوم في قلب كيرينيا و يطل علي منظر رائع للبحر و يقدم مجموعة واسعة من الخدمات و المرافق الفخمة. و قد تم تصميم الغرف لتمكين الحرفاء من الاستمتاع باعلى مستويات الرفاه و الراحة. يضم الفندق ايضا مركز للياقة البدنية وساونا و المساج، بار، حمام سباحة و وكازينو.