عيادة بيلا مود

عيادة بيلا مود

بانكوك, تايلاند -
عيادة بيلا مود 5 4,99 | 73 آراء و ملاحظات

اطلع على معرض الصور الخاص بنا لسنة 2019

هل تحب الجسم الذي تراه في المرآة كل يوم؟ املأ نموذج الاتصال أو احصل على عرض أسعار مجاني لمعرفة المزيد حول هذه  العروض

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تقع عيادة بيلا مود في مقاطعة وتانا و هي تعتبر من أكثر مراكز  جراحة التجميل تطورا في بانكوك ....

أهم العلاجات

26 علاج آخر

إستشارة متوفرة ب:

الإنجليزية و العربية

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النقل من المطار، مساعدة في حجز تذاكر الطيران، المساعدة في ايجاد فندق قريب من العيادة، النقل من الفندق الى العيادة؛ خدمات الترجمة

آراء المرضى

عيادة بيلا مود

Fatima Fatma

العيادة ممتازة جدا وتعاملهم جيد والدكتور وايد ممتاز وشاطر وطيب والمترجمة زهرة حبوبة وحنونة كثير وذات اخلاق راقية اهتمت بي من البداية الى النهاية شكرا لعيادة كيتوب The clinic great and their deal is very good The doctor is perfect,smart and does a good job plus he is very nice. The translator zahra is very kind with superior ethics she took care of me from the start to the end. Thank you so much ktop clinic.

عيادة بيلا مود

Kasia Adamski

"The best decisions I’ve made and if given the chance. I’d do it all again" KTOP Clinic Discovering the Fountain of Youth and Beauty People expect that their physical appearance will change as they get older. However, I must say that I was not prepared to let go of my youthful look and I was determined to fight the signs of aging especially on my face. When I turned 40, I noticed the change in my facial skin texture as well as its form. It looks uneven – like it’s missing some tissue masses in particular spots. Aside from that, I was bothered by my eyebrows. These are the frames of my face so I know how important it is to perfect them. However, no matter what I do, I cannot seem to get a perfect match of eyebrows. VIP Treatment for all. With that, I started doing some research as to how to solve such facial issues. When I saw rave reviews about KTOP Clinic, I decided to line them for a consultation. While some people believe in love at first sight, I experienced love at first step when I got to the clinic. I got the sincerest smiles, the friendliest words of welcome and the VIP treatment that everybody who goes to the clinic seems to get. The front desk even called a taxi for me, walked me outside and waited with me until I was safely seated. I cannot deny that I was impressed. I know right then and there that I am at the right place. What I did not know then was that I will continue to be impressed with more than just the looks of the clinic and the friendliness of professionals in the clinic. On my consultation, the doctors listened intently to what I say. They recommended Subbrow Lift to solve my eyebrows imperfection as well as Full Face Fat Transfer to fill and even out my facial tissues. The doctors explained everything clearly. They walked me through the process, explained the benefits, why they think that such services are perfect for my needs and patiently answered my questions. Lift is Right - Subbrow Lift by Dr. Pannawat Patthamawongjariya With any medical procedure, even cosmetic ones, I always expect that I will feel extreme pain. However, Dr. Pannawat pleasantly proved me wrong as I did not feel much pain, at least not as I expected. The doctor seemed to work on my eye lids with his hands patiently and expertly. He keeps encouraging me and keeping my eyes on the prize. I also expected to see some scars but thankfully, they were invisible, buried beneath my eyebrows. Face it - Full Face Fat Transfer by Dr. Nakin Panichnok What I love as much as having a perfect face is Dr. Nakin Panichnok is someone who clearly knows all about looking good as he is really attractive himself. Furthermore, aside from his good looks, he has a high and tasteful sense of humor. I feel that he cares for his patients as he comforted me and made me feel great. He is an expert in his field – knowledgeable, skilled and generous with information and his magical hands. He was even the last person to leave the Operating Room. I must say, I got better results than what I originally expected - a symmetrically beautiful face and fifteen years off my age. Throughout my career as a Psychologist, I understand that client’s confidentiality is highly regarded and KTOP delivered that in their most respectful way. I could not recommend enough, KTOP Clinic is one of the best decisions I’ve made and if given the chance, I’d do it all again.

عيادة بيلا مود


I Did abdominal and sides liposuction (traditional, not vaser) and fat transfer (to lower eye area) surgery here. Was taken good care of from the first meeting, even without a scheduled appointment. Instant constructive responses in LINE for any questions I had. The staff speaks perfect English so communication won't be a problem. The surgery and followup after has been great too. As for the results it's only been a week. But happy with them so far. Might update later when fully recovered. Pricing was a little higher then some of the other international clinics I did enquires with. That's something to keep in mind. However I am still convinced that this clinic was the right choice. Note that I don't have any previous experiences to compare with.

70 آراء أخرى
إتصل بالعيادة

اختر علاجا و احصل على التكلفة

تكلفة مجانية زراعة الثدي
تكلفة مجانية شد البطن
تكلفة مجانية شد الوجه
تكلفة مجانية جراحة تجميل الأنف
تكلفة مجانية شفط الدهون
تكلفة مجانية شد الارداف
تكلفة مجانية رفع الجفون
تكلفة مجانية تجميل الأذن
تكلفة مجانية شد الرقبة
تكلفة مجانية شد الثدي
تكلفة مجانية تصغير الثدي لدى الرجال
تكلفة مجانية ازالة التجاعيد
تكلفة مجانية شد الافخاذ
تكلفة مجانية شد البطن+ تكبيرالصدر
تكلفة مجانية تصحيح الحلمة المقلوبة
تكلفة مجانية زراعة الخدود
تكلفة مجانية شد المؤخرة بالطريقة البرازيلية
تكلفة مجانية تكبير الصدر+ شد الصدر
تكلفة مجانية شد الجبين
تكلفة مجانية ازالة السيلوليت+ شفط الدهون
تكلفة مجانية شد الفخذ+ شفط الدهون
تكلفة مجانية شد الذراع
تكلفة مجانية شد الوجة+ شد الجبين
تكلفة مجانية ازالة السيلوليت
تكلفة مجانية تصغير حلمة الصدر
تكلفة مجانية زراعة الذقن+ تجميل الانف
تكلفة مجانية تصغير حجم الثدي
تكلفة مجانية عملية تجميل ما بعد الولادة
تكلفة مجانية رأب الذقن

هل سبق و خضعت للعلاج بعيادتنا؟ اترك تعليقا وأوصف تجربتك

عيادة بيلا مود

Fatima Fatma

العيادة ممتازة جدا وتعاملهم جيد والدكتور وايد ممتاز وشاطر وطيب والمترجمة زهرة حبوبة وحنونة كثير وذات اخلاق راقية اهتمت بي من البداية الى النهاية شكرا لعيادة كيتوب The clinic great and their deal is very good The doctor is perfect,smart and does a good job plus he is very nice. The translator zahra is very kind with superior ethics she took care of me from the start to the end. Thank you so much ktop clinic.

عيادة بيلا مود

Kasia Adamski

"The best decisions I’ve made and if given the chance. I’d do it all again" KTOP Clinic Discovering the Fountain of Youth and Beauty People expect that their physical appearance will change as they get older. However, I must say that I was not prepared to let go of my youthful look and I was determined to fight the signs of aging especially on my face. When I turned 40, I noticed the change in my facial skin texture as well as its form. It looks uneven – like it’s missing some tissue masses in particular spots. Aside from that, I was bothered by my eyebrows. These are the frames of my face so I know how important it is to perfect them. However, no matter what I do, I cannot seem to get a perfect match of eyebrows. VIP Treatment for all. With that, I started doing some research as to how to solve such facial issues. When I saw rave reviews about KTOP Clinic, I decided to line them for a consultation. While some people believe in love at first sight, I experienced love at first step when I got to the clinic. I got the sincerest smiles, the friendliest words of welcome and the VIP treatment that everybody who goes to the clinic seems to get. The front desk even called a taxi for me, walked me outside and waited with me until I was safely seated. I cannot deny that I was impressed. I know right then and there that I am at the right place. What I did not know then was that I will continue to be impressed with more than just the looks of the clinic and the friendliness of professionals in the clinic. On my consultation, the doctors listened intently to what I say. They recommended Subbrow Lift to solve my eyebrows imperfection as well as Full Face Fat Transfer to fill and even out my facial tissues. The doctors explained everything clearly. They walked me through the process, explained the benefits, why they think that such services are perfect for my needs and patiently answered my questions. Lift is Right - Subbrow Lift by Dr. Pannawat Patthamawongjariya With any medical procedure, even cosmetic ones, I always expect that I will feel extreme pain. However, Dr. Pannawat pleasantly proved me wrong as I did not feel much pain, at least not as I expected. The doctor seemed to work on my eye lids with his hands patiently and expertly. He keeps encouraging me and keeping my eyes on the prize. I also expected to see some scars but thankfully, they were invisible, buried beneath my eyebrows. Face it - Full Face Fat Transfer by Dr. Nakin Panichnok What I love as much as having a perfect face is Dr. Nakin Panichnok is someone who clearly knows all about looking good as he is really attractive himself. Furthermore, aside from his good looks, he has a high and tasteful sense of humor. I feel that he cares for his patients as he comforted me and made me feel great. He is an expert in his field – knowledgeable, skilled and generous with information and his magical hands. He was even the last person to leave the Operating Room. I must say, I got better results than what I originally expected - a symmetrically beautiful face and fifteen years off my age. Throughout my career as a Psychologist, I understand that client’s confidentiality is highly regarded and KTOP delivered that in their most respectful way. I could not recommend enough, KTOP Clinic is one of the best decisions I’ve made and if given the chance, I’d do it all again.

عيادة بيلا مود


I Did abdominal and sides liposuction (traditional, not vaser) and fat transfer (to lower eye area) surgery here. Was taken good care of from the first meeting, even without a scheduled appointment. Instant constructive responses in LINE for any questions I had. The staff speaks perfect English so communication won't be a problem. The surgery and followup after has been great too. As for the results it's only been a week. But happy with them so far. Might update later when fully recovered. Pricing was a little higher then some of the other international clinics I did enquires with. That's something to keep in mind. However I am still convinced that this clinic was the right choice. Note that I don't have any previous experiences to compare with.

عيادة بيلا مود

Naima Rafak

I came for advice on facial treatment everything is exellent profissional. The friendly staff encouraged me to go for plazma treatment. The doc did it very well I look forward to see positive result and come again soon with definetely refer to the other friwnds as well.

عيادة بيلا مود

Enide Xinhui

The doctor and nurses are very nice and helpful I did rhinoplasty , eye pytosis and double eye lid surgery. Result was fantastic. They attended to all my queries immediately by watsapp after i did the surgery and went back to my country. Good service

عيادة بيلا مود

Peter Yannis

Rhinoplasty Revision was performed to address delation and to raise nose top a little It has been a great experience from start to finishes with great Surgeons and staff The anesthetic was a great trip and I won’t forget these experience. Thank you to everyone for an excellent service!!! Please upload the reviews on different dates if it is possible . Let me know if you need any details .

عيادة بيلا مود

blanche celine

I did fat grafting on my face to improve darkness under my eyes and get a fresher - looking face. The team was very friendly and professional before, during and after the procedure. One week after the procedure, even though it is not the final result yet I can already see a great improvement of my eye area.

عيادة بيلا مود

Khalid Abdulla Humod

I am very pleased to contact this very nice clinic with very professional Doctor and very good staff. Specially (Ms.Zahra help us a lot and she made our life very easy here, we are very grad to came here and very pleased to deal with you) Thank you very much!

عيادة بيلا مود

katainoy channal

On 4-01-18. I was admitted for the op. The staff were very caring and professional. I was given a detailed aftet care program and an explanation of the effects. After 2 days my swelling went down and after a week it looks well. I’m absolutely delighted with the results.

عيادة بيلا مود

Casper Lim

I had Rhinoplasty, Lower Blepharoplasty, and Upper Brow Lift. The operations went smoothly. The staff, especially Dr. Chakarin and Gambum were especially caring. Will definitely recommend others to come.

عيادة بيلا مود

Sara Lee

So far, I'm happy with the results. Only time will tell how it heals. Service has been good. The doctor made me feel really confortable and the other staff too. Thank you!

عيادة بيلا مود

Samia Salim

العيادة مرة جميلة ومرتبة، الدكتور محترم ويحاول يفهم حاجياتنا قدر الامكان، والمترجمة زهرة لطيفة جدا وتعاملها راقي كثير ومحترفة في شغلها ومحترمة The clinic is very beautiful and clean, the Doctor respectable and he tries his best to understand our need, the translator Zahra is very nice and her handling is very sophisticated also she is very profisional and respectable.

عيادة بيلا مود

Fatima Fatma

العيادة ممتازة جدا وتعاملهم جيد والدكتور وايد ممتاز وشاطر وطيب والمترجمة زهرة حبوبة وحنونة كثير وذات اخلاق راقية اهتمت بي من البداية الى النهاية شكرا لعيادة كيتوب The clinic great and their deal is very good The doctor is perfect,smart and does a good job plus he is very nice. The translator zahra is very kind with superior ethics she took care of me from the start to the end. Thank you so much ktop clinic.

عيادة بيلا مود

Emilia Hontas

my eternal gratitude to everyone involved in the process of my beautiful transformation. The outcome of the procedure is nothing short of perfection. For the first time in my life as a woman I am comfortable and confident with my breasts. Thank you.

عيادة بيلا مود

Kasia Adamski

"The best decisions I’ve made and if given the chance. I’d do it all again" KTOP Clinic Discovering the Fountain of Youth and Beauty People expect that their physical appearance will change as they get older. However, I must say that I was not prepared to let go of my youthful look and I was determined to fight the signs of aging especially on my face. When I turned 40, I noticed the change in my facial skin texture as well as its form. It looks uneven – like it’s missing some tissue masses in particular spots. Aside from that, I was bothered by my eyebrows. These are the frames of my face so I know how important it is to perfect them. However, no matter what I do, I cannot seem to get a perfect match of eyebrows. VIP Treatment for all. With that, I started doing some research as to how to solve such facial issues. When I saw rave reviews about KTOP Clinic, I decided to line them for a consultation. While some people believe in love at first sight, I experienced love at first step when I got to the clinic. I got the sincerest smiles, the friendliest words of welcome and the VIP treatment that everybody who goes to the clinic seems to get. The front desk even called a taxi for me, walked me outside and waited with me until I was safely seated. I cannot deny that I was impressed. I know right then and there that I am at the right place. What I did not know then was that I will continue to be impressed with more than just the looks of the clinic and the friendliness of professionals in the clinic. On my consultation, the doctors listened intently to what I say. They recommended Subbrow Lift to solve my eyebrows imperfection as well as Full Face Fat Transfer to fill and even out my facial tissues. The doctors explained everything clearly. They walked me through the process, explained the benefits, why they think that such services are perfect for my needs and patiently answered my questions. Lift is Right - Subbrow Lift by Dr. Pannawat Patthamawongjariya With any medical procedure, even cosmetic ones, I always expect that I will feel extreme pain. However, Dr. Pannawat pleasantly proved me wrong as I did not feel much pain, at least not as I expected. The doctor seemed to work on my eye lids with his hands patiently and expertly. He keeps encouraging me and keeping my eyes on the prize. I also expected to see some scars but thankfully, they were invisible, buried beneath my eyebrows. Face it - Full Face Fat Transfer by Dr. Nakin Panichnok What I love as much as having a perfect face is Dr. Nakin Panichnok is someone who clearly knows all about looking good as he is really attractive himself. Furthermore, aside from his good looks, he has a high and tasteful sense of humor. I feel that he cares for his patients as he comforted me and made me feel great. He is an expert in his field – knowledgeable, skilled and generous with information and his magical hands. He was even the last person to leave the Operating Room. I must say, I got better results than what I originally expected - a symmetrically beautiful face and fifteen years off my age. Throughout my career as a Psychologist, I understand that client’s confidentiality is highly regarded and KTOP delivered that in their most respectful way. I could not recommend enough, KTOP Clinic is one of the best decisions I’ve made and if given the chance, I’d do it all again.

عيادة بيلا مود

Tor -

Did abdominal and sides liposuction (traditional, not vaser) and fat transfer (to lower eye area) surgery here. Was taken good care of from the first meeting, even without a scheduled appointment. Instant constructive responses in LINE for any questions I had. The staff speaks perfect English so communication won't be a problem. The surgery and followup after has been great too. As for the results it's only been a week. But happy with them so far. Might update later when fully recovered. Pricing was a little higher then some of the other international clinics I did enquires with. That's something to keep in mind. However I am still convinced that this clinic was the right choice. Note that I don't have any previous experiences to compare with.

عيادة بيلا مود

Kenneth Wooden

I can’t say enough about how satisfied I am with the entire staff at KTOP Clinic. I knew after my first day visiting that I made the right choice. Dr. Chakarin was extremely professional, caring, and honest with the information regarding my overall expectations and what to expect after surgery. Bo and the entire support staff provided excellent customer service and were very knowledgeable with the surgical procedure and aftercare process. I highly recommend KTOP Clinic to anyone considering having Plastic Surgery in Thailand.

عيادة بيلا مود

Jess Hsu

Impressed by ease of communication as staff has good command of English and Chinese language. It would be better if needle syringe was presented to patient in sealed package before drawing blood.

عيادة بيلا مود

Naima Rafak

I came for advice on facial treatment everything is exellent profissional. The friendly staff encouraged me to go for plazma treatment. The doc did it very well I look forward to see positive result and come again soon with definetely refer to the other friwnds as well.

عيادة بيلا مود

Pamela Dorji

Great service and very kind staff

عيادة بيلا مود

Enide Xinhui

The doctor and nurses are very nice and helpful I did rhinoplasty , eye pytosis and double eye lid surgery. Result was fantastic. They attended to all my queries immediately by watsapp after i did the surgery and went back to my country. Good service

عيادة بيلا مود

Peter Yannis

Rhinoplasty Revision was performed to address delation and to raise nose top a little It has been a great experience from start to finishes with great Surgeons and staff The anesthetic was a great trip and I won’t forget these experience. Thank you to everyone for an excellent service!!! If you have any other question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me anytime. Thank you very much.

عيادة بيلا مود

Marc Adams

I have nothing but praise and accolades for the KTOP Clinic and its staff. I was especially impressed with the knowledge of the staff right down to the receptionist and especially the consultation with the doctor who took great lengths through an interpreter to make sure i fully understood what was required and to ensure i had an opportunity to ask any questions which he answered fully and unreservedly. I had gone to the KTOP Clinic to seek a revision of work that i had done to my upper eyelids 8 years previously and the procedure was botched. Until then i had nothing but rejections for the revision surgery with all the doctors approached stating that it was simply too difficult or it was unable to be corrected and that i should accept what is. So for me this was an unexpected and exciting revelation that they could do the procedure. The final result was amazing. Dr. Chakarin Banchongkit had for the first time in 8 years put some normalcy into my life where i did not feel self conscious about my appearance. This man is truly talented and skilled in his profession. To meet him he appears unassuming and professional at all times. But the results are where the proof is. I cant express how grateful and overjoyed i am. This man is a sculptor of the statues of the gods. He is an artist in it purist form and i highly recommend anyone who is contemplating plastic surgery and especially if looking for a doctor who can correct previously botched surgery, to use the clinic and especially Dr. Chakarin Banchongkit although i have no doubt all the doctors there are equally skilled. It is an upmarket clinic with upmarket and skilled doctors. I can only describe the entire staff as true professionals from top to bottom.

عيادة بيلا مود

Patricia Croal

I had a neck procedure done to get rid of saggy skin. The doctors and nurses were very attentive and kind. They are all very happy, nice people. I felt much at ease during my time here. Operation went well, I came in everyday after for 3 days for check up. clinic is very through efficient. I would recommend it highly.

عيادة بيلا مود

Al-Busaidi Fahad

The clinic is very good, Translator Zahra is very nice and kind.

عيادة بيلا مود

Steven Mattarungan

Very good service. The staff, Doctor and Nurse very professional&friendly.

عيادة بيلا مود

Leanne Six

All the staff from the consultation, surgeon and ladies taking care of cleansing and facial were amazing! I visited the clinic literally with a friend who was having facial surgery. Being very impressed with my friend’s treatment I decided to ask for a consultation for myself. I was carefully advised to have and lazering and facial mole removal. It was my first time and the team helped me to feel relaxed and confident. I love the outcome of the procedure and feel 10 years youngery.

عيادة بيلا مود

Jason Perry

Everybody was attence throughout the procedure process. The simplicity at the process made the situation easy to progress.

عيادة بيلا مود

Shamsa Al Qubaisi

I came to the clinic to get my face and eye fixed because of a previous operation that I have done in Egypt, they were good staff members in KTOP clinic, they were helpful. The nurse were perfect and even the staff members. The consultation was perfect, they were helpful.

عيادة بيلا مود

Albosldi Naser

Alhamdolluh The clinic is good and the translator very good. Good luck to you.

عيادة بيلا مود

Ahmed Alshehhi

1.Warm welcom 2.We had to give our concerns and consultation in the same room (good:)) 3.Pre-treatment 4.Our doctor was really good Overall was great :)

عيادة بيلا مود

Kylee Elvish

Staff was very professional, kind and helpful through out the process form start to finish. Appointment was scheduled very promptly and efficiently as I had hoped for (very limited time in Bangkok, was fit in the next day after calling). Phone call was very informative and was able to answer all of the questions and concerns that I had. Met with doctors the next day, they were very kind and professional. Surgery was then performed and I am very happy with the results thus far. Overall, a great experience with KTOP Clinic.

عيادة بيلا مود

Marc Adams

I have nothing but praise and accolades for the KTOP Clinic and its staff. I was especially impressed with the knowledge of the staff right down to the receptionist and especially the consultation with the doctor who took great lengths through an interpreter to make sure i fully understood what was required and to ensure i had an opportunity to ask any questions which he answered fully and unreservedly. I had gone to the KTOP Clinic to seek a revision of work that i had done to my upper eyelids 8 years previously and the procedure was botched. Until then i had nothing but rejections for the revision surgery with all the doctors approached stating that it was simply too difficult or it was unable to be corrected and that i should accept what is. So for me this was an unexpected and exciting revelation that they could do the procedure. The final result was amazing. Dr. Chakarin Banchongkit had for the first time in 8 years put some normalcy into my life where i did not feel self conscious about my appearance. This man is truly talented and skilled in his profession. To meet him he appears unassuming and professional at all times. But the results are where the proof is. I cant express how grateful and overjoyed i am. This man is a sculptor of the statues of the gods. He is an artist in it purist form and i highly recommend anyone who is contemplating plastic surgery and especially if looking for a doctor who can correct previously botched surgery, to use the clinic and especially Dr. Chakarin Banchongkit although i have no doubt all the doctors there are equally skilled. It is an upmarket clinic with upmarket and skilled doctors. I can only describe the entire staff as true professionals from top to bottom. - Marc Adams

عيادة بيلا مود

Kach Techi

Hey I am Kach from India. I did my double eyelid surgery and I am super satisfied with the result (I know its 8th days but I still know it would be better than expectation.

عيادة بيلا مود

EY Choi

Im korean live in laos. I dont have time go to korea so decided do it here. I can trusted because ktop clinic is branch of Grand hospital in Korea. Doctors are also well trained in korea. Its my first time and im very excited. I did face lifting and botex. They also gave me an injection of my pimple for free. The all staffs are very professional and kindly.(doctor so cute) Im looking foward to do another treatment here again. Thanks

عيادة بيلا مود

Mumtaz Ali

I think people are very understanding and affectionate and efficient. Good job. Thank you!

عيادة بيلا مود

Bernard Andre Guilhaudin

I will recommended this clinic. Nice and kind staff, nurses efficient, professional and friendly doctors. Resonable price.

عيادة بيلا مود

Samia Jama

I had a liposuction and counting in my both arms, and the result was amazing, the staff was helpful and the doctors listen to what I needed. I definitely recommended them and please feel free to contact through whatsapp.

عيادة بيلا مود

Richardet Alain

I did upper&lower eye surgery. It’s a bit painful, but they take good care of me. I want to thank you again. Now I’m very happy with the result.

عيادة بيلا مود

Harvey Buckle

I had Rhinoplasty. I was surprised about how little pain there was. Also, the staff very professional and helpful: Gambum and Ja were very helpful.

عيادة بيلا مود

Tun Thandar Bo

All staff members are very kind & friendly. The doctors are also very professional. The surgery went well better than I expected. The resultes are also satisfying. I'm very happy that I chose KTOP Clinic. Thank you so much all doctors & staff members!

عيادة بيلا مود

Blanche Celine

I did fat grafting on my face to improve darkness under my eyes and get a fresher - looking face. The team was very friendly and professional before, during and after the procedure. One week after the procedure, even though it is not the final result yet I can already see a great improvement of my eye area.

عيادة بيلا مود

Peter Yannis

Rhinoplasty Revision was performed to address delation and to raise nose top a little. It has been a great experience from start to finishes with great Surgeons and staff.The anesthetic was a great trip and I won’t forget these experience. Thank you to everyone for an excellent service!!!

عيادة بيلا مود

Mikujag Channal

On 4-01-18. I was admitted for the op. The staff were very caring and professional. I was given a detailed aftet care program and an explanation of the effects. After 2 days my swelling went down and after a week it looks well. I’m absolutely delighted with the results.

عيادة بيلا مود

Marley Henault

I came into the procedure nervous, scared and hesitant. Once I entered KTOP, I was quickly put at ease. The girls, Bo, were amazing, friendly and kind. They held the upmost professionalism while maintaining endearing. The doctors are very talented and did everything in my best interest. I cannot thank you enough.

عيادة بيلا مود

Patricia Croal

I had a neck procedure done to get rid of saggy skin. The doctors and nurses were very attentive and kind. They are all very happy, nice people. I felt much at ease during my time here. Operation went well, I came in everyday after for 3 days for check up. clinic is very through efficient. I would recommend it highly.

عيادة بيلا مود

Linda De Pastena

The staff took very good care of me. I was consulted for a MACS Lifting and liposuction. All questions and concerns were addressed. I feel very lucky to have found a professional and caring team here at KTOP. The staff and doctors explained each procedure and a confidence was built. I never worried as the staff took very good care of me. Thank you again for all your support.

عيادة بيلا مود

Pym Pym

I had Vitamin+Moisture Care at KTOP CLINIC.The staff was very attentive, including receptionists, cashiers is professionalism and excellent.I was very happy with the results after treatment and feel very comfortable Thank you very much for making me feeling welcome every time i was in KTOP CLINIC.This is the good place to be, I thank you all.

عيادة بيلا مود

Kari Schlageter

I Highly RECOMMEND Ktop Clinic, Fantastic Team, from the receptionist to the Doctor Everyone very professional. I have Always Been Welcomed, 100/100 Satisfied of the Treatment, Feeling Wonderful :) This is definitely a good Clinic to be! Thank you !!!

عيادة بيلا مود

Jennifer Lawson

I did Macs face lifting surgery in Ktop plastic surgery center a month ago, and I can confidently say that I’m really satisfied with the result. I thought I was going to have like extreme swelling after the surgery but It wasn’t that bad……I guess? Well I know that all surgeries have swelling so I was okay with it! Lot of my friend is asking me for the surgery information, so I will see you guys again with all my other friends soon…☺

عيادة بيلا مود

Henry Yang

It’s been nearly a year after I did my nose job done. Before the surgery I had social phobia, which made my whole life really sad. Then I started to find out what was the problem… and the answer was that I didn’t have any confidence in my looks especially my nose. It was too bulbous and way too short.. Because the reputation of KTOP hospital was really good, I went there to have consultation first. After I met the doctor I straight away could trust that he can change my life. So it did!!!!!!!!! My Nose looks much smaller and higher… my social phobia symptom is nearly gone after the surgery, however I want to thank all the staffs, doctor who cared so much for me from the beginning till the end. Thank you.

عيادة بيلا مود

Jessica Carlton

I always had complex of my body shape….. Especially my fats in my stomach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I wanted desperate help from KTOP!!!!! It’ now been a long time after I did tummy tuck from KTOP ☺ I lost a lot of weight before the surgery which left sagging stomach after…………… T_T it looked horrible before the surgery. NOW guess what it is literally GONE. Thank you to the doctor in KTOP for creating a new body for me and now I can wear bikinis… I can’t believe it. Thank you sooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

عيادة بيلا مود

Tom Sayer

Before the surgery I used to hear from my colleagues that I look a little older than I look. First time I heard that I was completely in shock So I went to Ktop surgery center to know what is the main probs in my face. I did fat grafting full face and now I look about 10 years younger. I’m so happy. Lets say that my face was flat before the surgery. Now my face has volume and for somehow my face looks smaller than before. Strange but it’s true. Thx so much every staff members who were beside me all the way I appreciated the English consultant’s professional assistance throughout the whole procedure. Probs next yr in Jan I will go back for my nose job. See you guys again soon.

عيادة بيلا مود

Lilly Yen

Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did my nose job here in Ktop and lot of my friends are already asking me for the surgery price. It is the best choice I made from all the other things I’ve done in my life. My appearance totally changed just by the nose job here I looked masculine before even if I’m a female, now I look like my real gender now~ My nose became really slim and sharper and my upturned nose came down so it looks longer now. Thank you Ktop XOXO

عيادة بيلا مود

Harley Web

Time flied. It’s already been 3 months since I had full body liposuction in Ktop clinic. I gained a lot of weight during high school years and I was never slim since then. So I made a big decision to get my body shape prob solved real quickly. At the beginning it was really hard for me to move around like a normal person But after about a week I felt much better in doing normal activities like walking around, Taking a stroll going to a super market etc. People think that I lost a lot of weight in short period of time but… I will keep the secret only to myself haha Thank you doctor for taking out one person out from my body

عيادة بيلا مود


First of all thank you for the EXCELLENT service throughout all my procedures I did full face lifting and rhinoplasty in Ktop The response of my email was reallllllllly fast, which made me trust Ktop even more When I got to the hospital English translators made me feel much comfortable. Thank god you guys have somebody who speaks the same language as me!!!!!! I felt extremely relieved.. The result of my surgery is perfect.

عيادة بيلا مود

Julie Lee

Let me tell you my background first. I’m Korean American, grew up in America for the whole life. One of my Korean friend introduced Ktop surgery center for the plastic surgery. The reputation of this hospital I read was really good and the most reason why I chose this hospital was that my friend had nose job done in Ktop and she became soooooo much prettier just by the nose surgery from Ktop. That influenced me to fly all the way from America to Ktop straight away. I always wanted to fix my nose so I did rhinoplasty and tip correction in Ktop Result is great, it became much higher like I expected and I’m really satisfied with the result!!!!!!!! Thank you for all the support thank you all the staffs I really appreciated it

عيادة بيلا مود

Liam Tan

Excellent customer service This clinic is professional, huge, clean, and very friendly to customers. I need to say it was the best service I ever got from the clinic. I did full face fat grafting here in Ktop and I’m really satisfied with the result My face looks fuller and because of the volume in my face I look very young right now. I like it!!!!!! Next time I will go there for my eyes.

عيادة بيلا مود

Sally Golden

After giving birth to my child straight away my stomach got very loose and became very saggy I wanted to fix my stomach area real fast and go back to the way I was before And Ktop made my day! At the beginning I was really scared and nervous about the surgery, but seriously I fall asleep I don’t even remember when I fall asleep but when I woke up the surgery was done. It was that easy… but after the surgery because it isn’t a small surgery my stomach started to go sore but after taking pain killers that the clinic subscribed me I was okay with it after then ☺ Pain didn’t go for much longer, and now it’s already been 4 months since I did my tummy tuck surgery at Ktop! I’m really satisfied with the result and my husband likes it too!! Haha. Some of my friends who gave birth are asking me for tummy tuck after seeing my result I will take them to Ktop soon Thank you for the excellent service

عيادة بيلا مود

George Monk

I had nose surgery, and stomach/back/love handles liposuction. I was surprised that I felt no pain at all for my nose. Dr also had to take some cartilage behind my ear, and I felt NOTHING. The liposuction was quite painful (the bruises, not the stitches), but the result totally worth the pain. It was two weeks ago, and people keep telling me that I am slimmer than before. I chose ktop because read lot of good reviews. I wanted to have natural changes not dramatic changes. And it's what I have. Dr did magic. All my scars are in invisible area, however it’s magic. Moreover, staffs in the hospital were incredibly kind and friendly. Staff made sure of my health and conditions. It's very relieving, since I was alone there. I would totally recommend Ktop for people who want to change in natural way.

عيادة بيلا مود

Sarah Hobbs

The whole team of Ktop were Extremely professional and caring, especially Julie who took care of me, answering all my questions Really fast, even during her evenings/days off. Excellent follow up, post-op, etc. They make time for me, I feel they do care about my case. Dr is very gentle, soft. And I'm a very nervous patient, not easy. I did not have to take any painkiller at all, after the local anesthesia was gone. Hence he did the surgery with minimum of trauma. I highly recommend this clinic.

عيادة بيلا مود

Jonathon Lin

I had rhinoplasty at Ktop a month ago. I was really worried about getting a surgery done in a foreign country, i decided in my mind to trust Ktop. I am really happy with the results and had a good experience with them overall. I would Certainly recommend this clinic to my other friends who are interested as well! Doctor is very experienced and confident in what he does. I am very grateful for everything. Thank you ktop

عيادة بيلا مود

Susan Yang

I am an English teacher in Korea. Both online and offline consultations were friendly and was Very detailed. I got my double eyelid and rhinoplasty revision at Ktop. Prices were very reasonable compared to other foreign targeted clinics. I am in 1 month post-op now and I am quite happy with the result. I can't wait to see my result without all the swelling left on my face :)

عيادة بيلا مود

Stella Higgins

I had liposuction on all areas of thighs. Can only say if only I had of done this years ago. I have had amazing results and cannot recommend Dr Joe highly enough. This has been life changing for me, going from size 14-16 bottoms I can now get away with so 8-10. I can wear figure hugging clothes that I would never have done unless my legs, bum etc was covered with a long top! AMAZING, AWESOME!. I have recommended friends to this clinic also. If you are prepared to follow all post op instructions to the letter you should get the results you are after. English staff was very patient and answered all my questions, addressed any concern via phone calls, emails and texts, very thoroughly. All in all a warm, helpful and supportive staff. Dr was fabulous, straight to the point and I felt very confident and comfortable with him from the start.

عيادة بيلا مود


Dr is so professional and thorough. He made me feel comfortable from consultation through to the procedures. I got face lifting done at Ktop I have been happy with doctor's work and would highly recommend his services to my other friends. The staffs at the clinic are extremely knowledgeable and helpful.

عيادة بيلا مود

Richard Donald

I am a middle aged man, who has not always looked after his health. About 2 years ago, I really started to notice the lines and the general sagging of my face. I also became really conscious of my double chin that seemed to be taking on a life of its own. A friend of mine done surgeries at ktop and suggested that this clinic could help. It took me about a year to make the call. Well my only regret now is that I took so long to call. The double chin is gone, the lines are gone and people are mentioning that I look 10 years younger. Guys I know the idea of plastic surgery is a little strange, but let me tell you looking 10 years younger is worth overcoming your embarrassment. Could not be happier. Thank you also for assisting me all the way through.

عيادة بيلا مود


Really professional and one there were English staffs always there for me and they were super kind. They explained me everything and the treatment was well done! Still waiting for results but I didn't have any pain after the treatment! Professional, efficient (treatment right after the appointment) and price are really reasonable in Ktop!

عيادة بيلا مود

Catherine Boon

Your team is amazing! Because I live outside of Korea, I made an appointment through Email, and I always received immediate response from the clinic. I did liposuction at Ktop 3 months ago, and I totally satisfied with the result. I look 10 times slimmer than before, and I can fit all the cloths that didn’t fit before! I’m so impressed about their professionalism, and informative staff members there. I will definitely recommend this clinic to other friends!!

عيادة بيلا مود

Cathy Peng

I had double eyelid incisional and rhinoplasty in Ktop. I was unhappy with the shape of my eyes and nose. My nose was big and upturned what we call the piggy nose, and also my eyes were too small. Ktop found the perfect shape for me, natural and I’m very satisfied with the result. There were not much pain at all, there werent any side effects either. Thank you so much for give me beautiful eyes and nose :)"

عيادة بيلا مود


From start to finish this was a pleasant experience. The entire staff is friendly and helpful. Dr is very experienced and makes you feel relaxed. I rarely had to wait, especially after my procedure, when they saw me coming in those first few post op visits they got me in and out quickly. Calls and questions were answered promptly. I love this clinic.

عيادة بيلا مود


I spent a long time researching and chose to Ktop for a facelift. I heard about lot of facelift cases done in Ktop previously. This made me to trust the clinic more. I was anxious because I have seen so many bad results. I wrote down all the questions, and through the consultation doctor solved my curiosity. The surgery wasn’t really painful at all, and the swelling subsided a lot after about 10 days. I'm very satisfied with the result, and the result looks very natural as i wanted.

عيادة بيلا مود


Amazing result, friendly staff. Doctor and the entire staff is AMAZING! I had a rhinoplasty in Ktop. Everyone went above and beyond to make me feel comfortable. Doctor’s work is AMAZING!! Could not be happier with the results! I will definitely use him for any future procedures. If you are thinking about having a procedure done go see them you will not regret it.

عيادة بيلا مود


I finally have my body back and I'm sooooo happy!. The Doctor is very understanding of my wants and needs. Ktop’s staffs were very friendly and understanding of wants and needs as well. my overall experience was wonderful. The environment, staff, and the aftercare I received were impressive!

عيادة بيلا مود
نصائح السفر تايلاند
  • اللغة: التايلاندية
  • العملة: البات التايلندي
  • المناخ: متوسط درجة الحرارة اليومية 85 فهرنهايت او 31 درجة مئوية
  • العاصمة: بانكوك
  • المطار الرئيسي: مطار سوفارنابومي
  • نوع الكهرباء: 220V 50Hz قابس كهرباء اوروبي اوامريكي
  • المنطقة الزمنية: UTC +7
  • الآثار والمعالم السياحية

    بانكوك  مدينة ساحرة و صاخبة  بها أماكن جميلة تستحق الزيارة. تتميز هذه المدينة بأضوائها الساطعة,  اجوائها الصخبة, كرم شعبها و الثقافة الحديثة المنتشرة بها. لا تفوت زيارة معبد وات ترايمت الذي يوجد به  تمثال بوذا الذهبي المتميز الذي يزن خمسة أطنان و نصف من الذهب. تجول في شوارع المدينة و لا تفوت  مشاهدة المنظر الخلاب من الجبل الذهبي

    المطاعم و المأكولات الشهيرة

    توجه إلى السوق في الحي الصيني، الملاذا الغذائي للجميع. في النهار أو الليل هي معبأة مع أكشاك السوق والمطاعم والمناظر خلابة من المعابد الصينية توجه إلى سوق الحي الصيني أشهر الأسواق الشعبية  في بانكوك و الذي يمكنك أن تجد به كل البضائع التي تريدها. يعمل السوق ليلا نهارا و هو يضم أعدادا كبيرة من الأكشاك و المحلات و المطاعم و هوعديد المعابد الصينية. لا تفوت فرصة تناول أكلات الشوارع فهي جزء أساسي من الحياة في بانكوك أو طبق "كآو لآد كاينغ" الارز بالكاري الشهير

    الفنادق وأماكن الإقامة

    تتميز فنادق  بانكوك  بغرفها الواسعة المزينة و الجميلة، خدماتها الرفيعة و سمعتها  الجيدة التي كونها خلال سنوات طويلة.  افضل الاماكن للاقامة :فندق "أورينتال ريسيدنس" الذي يقع  في شارع مزدحم بالقرب من السفارة الأمريكية، وهو المكان المثالي للإقامة إذا كنت ترغب في قضاء عطلة هادئة و ممتعة بالقرب من منطقة التسوق في سيام ومنطقة سيلوم التجارية   .  

    إحجز فندقا في بانكوك, تايلاند


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    283/41 Soi Sukhumvit 55, Khwaeng Khlong Tan Nuea, Khet Watthana, Krung Thep Maha Nakhon 10110, Thailand
    بانكوك, تايلاند
    إحجز فندقا في
    بانكوك, تايلاند